Thursday, January 28, 2010

Against Nature?

Against Nature? is an exhibition on homosexuality in animals made by the Natural History Museum, University of Oslo, Norway. The exhibition focuses on occurrence and function of homosexuality in animals, and is the first of its kind.

The museum says one of its aims is to "help to de-mystify homosexuality among people... we hope to reject the all too well known argument that homosexual behaviour is a crime against nature." Most of the exhibition is based on the works of Bruce Bagemihl and Joan Roughgarden.

Today we know that homosexuality is a common and widespread phenomenon in the animal world. Not only short-lived sexual relationships, but even long-lasting partnerships; partnerships that may last a lifetime.

The exhibit displays a small selection of the more than 1500 species where homosexuality has been observed. This fascinating story of the animals' secret life is told by means of models, photos, texts and specimens. The visitor will be confronted with all sorts of creatures from tiny insects to enormous spermwhales.

The exhibition ran from September 2006 to August 2007. It was well received, including by the museums regular visiting groups, mainly families. The exhibit is currently on tour. It has been on show in Oslo, Bergen, Trondheim and Maastricht, and is currently on show in Genova and in Stockholm (in the latter as "Rainbow Animals").

Source: Wikipedia


  1. karan, that's a great information .. keep adding ..

  2. Hi Karan,

    It would be great to know more on this. Post more on this if possible.


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