Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Dusk to Dawn (After Sex)

Love consumes all, you agree or not, it does. Be it physically, mentally, emotionally or spiritually, it coins our life to changes we certainly resist of their own reasons. But when I say " it consumes" it takes to no boundary that makes love a villain of our life. Indeed it’s a hero, a savior, but how long a savior will exist without a suitable weapon?

Of all weapons, from trust, mutual understandings, care and respect, one comes with the name called physical compatibility, a mere check of satisfaction measured from two different scales, and even if their values overlap, they doesn't correspond to the same value (Remember the Vernier Caliper  you used in your ninth standard physics lab.)

That particular night, we made love for more than two hours, and we were lying naked on our single bed, holding our hands, looking at the revolving fan over head. Within a few minute, he was slept while I wished to talk. Talk of nothing but our mystic future, of inspiration that binds us together, of reasons to fight for our relationship during the hours that binds dusk to dawn after making love. 

While most of us prefer to sleep after sex, but still few exists who want to talk about serious stuff, talk of sex and just sex, few prefer take a shower, or go out for some time, lit a cigarette, or cuddle like babies. The moment a couple have orgasm, it may induce a certain level of weakness in the body depending on one's own stamina, so sleep after sex shouldn't be blamed anyhow even if it does happen. (And, if both of the partners are working, I know how hard it is keep your eyes open for late nights after the hectic hours at work.)

Sometimes, in few cases, the orgasm is also followed by an inevitable guilt feeling. And the cigarette, shower or being sometime alone helps it out. And, if its natural what makes the other partner to take it otherwise?

Next comes to cuddle after you made love. To cuddle seems sweet and add beauty to it, but if it happens after sex it may turn you irritating as you dying for a sound sleep and the guilt willing for some distance. So even if in this case, the scales doesn't match ignore your emotions that expects a lot. And, maturity is all it takes to make it happen.

But what about the urge to talk? And that too when it might be of libidinous nature and at times of serious emotions. And, this lands up to the situation when one partner prefers to sleep while other continuously gazes the roof or the fan. Remember, it was your words at the first encounter that brought you both together, the way your frequency matched, things clicked and emotions attached with beautiful memories. Your words defines you, not how hot you are, how good you act on bed, the size of your penis or what perfumes you use.

These gradients in expectations and needs may add bitterness in the relationship. If not always, sleep can  be sacrificed before it, when you know it will take just a few minutes, especially when your partner need to talk something really intimate that he can't share with anyone.

And, To talk of sex after sex? I will prefer to sleep, but people vary so does the expectations, and you agreed to do that, that’s what commitment says. 

With a wish for a great love and sex life, I wish for all those happy or not-so-happy couples for the most appropriate weapon for the savior that binds you both.

[Written for Gaylaxy Magazine]

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