Monday, March 15, 2010

The Other Side

1. Girl friend

Lets explore about our orientation, and the only required apparatus for experiment is a girlfriend.

The "straight" gay panics:

Mammoth might kill me,
I won't sleep alone tonight.
Earlier who shared interests now share a relation,
Requesting a refusal to God's decision.
Under the name of sandwich, digesting
two dry pieces of bread without butter.

2. Diffusion

Sometimes, it’s just an odour that dominates every physical feature.

Fresh forever, fragranced forever,
Few artificial fruits in the basket,
decayed a lively fruit last Night.



Diffused souls, diffused fragrance.
But artificial tricks followed nature’s deception,
Certainly, he was again pricked by Light.


Avoid Rejection, play a blind date. But to avoid preliminary rejection, play well over the chat.

Portrayal of new patina over the same old flesh,
Fake blushes counted in,
double-entendre behind lash.
Wicked mind over the availability of space,
Beneath dubious pranks,
initiates the unhurried race.

4.Come on YM

How can you think of friendship without sharing, may it be your pics or cell numbers?

“I am just here for friendship",
moulds to "What’s your priorities?"

Unwilling display of patience,
dominated by unbearable desires.

Bathos in the dialogue delivery,
cracks the crust of lusty fire.

5.Bromance or Romance?

In love with a straight guy, why not to go for some conversion techniques?

Jack took Jill up to the hill to pour out forbidden emotions,
Jill fell down and trauma touched the ground,
Yet Jack was occupied in blind devotion.

If you can think of conversion,
and close eyes in name of dark vision,
What kind of love is there in your relation?


(Thoughts behind my words:

Part1: Girl Friend

These lines refers a gay, who thinks having a girl friend can change things in his life. He panics for the things that doesn't exist ( mammoth). His confusions lies between request and refusal.

Part2: Diffusion

The idea can out while reading the "about me" column of a guy, where it was written, " Body odours cannot be tolerated". Further, I tried expressing that the beauty of soul cannot be replaced with any of the artificial deo/perfume.

Part3: Blind

Blind establishes the state of mind during a blind date. The qualms and frozen desires.

Part4: Come on YM

I know all gays are quite aware how some online chats diverts unintentionally.

Part5: Bromance or Romance?

Jack is love with a straight guy, Jill. Jack's friend suggest him to try to change Jill's orientation. Jill falls refers to Jack's techniques to convert him and Jack closes his eyes refers to his act of being blind when he can find its not good what he is doing. Finally it conclude with the question mark over the kind of Jack's love.)


  1. Honestly, the first time I read it, you hadn't pt the clarifications and i want able to understand much of it....Thanx for explaining it... appreciate it well now

  2. Thanks for the honest comment Deepak.


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